
Rt. Rev. Paul Donison

Bishop Paul is the Rector and Dean of Christ Church Plano. Ordained in 2004, he served in several Canadian parishes before being called to Texas in 2016 with his wife, Monika, and their four daughters.

In 2023 he was elected by the Gafcon Primates as General Secretary, and consecrated as a Bishop in Rwanda in 2024. Bishop Paul also serves as Vicar General (Area Bishop) for the Texas Deanery of the Anglican Diocese of the South.

He holds a B.F.A in Theatre from the University of Victoria, a Dp.C.S. and M.Div from Regent College, and has done doctoral work at Trinity School for Ministry. He serves on the boards of Trinity School for Ministry and East African Christian College (Kigali, Rwanda).

As a retired stage actor Bishop Paul continues to memorize and dramatically storytell the Scriptures when he preaches.

About The Event

Convocation and Synod is the Diocese's annual gathering for fellowship, teaching, worship, and canonical business.

Convocation begins on Friday with three sessions of Biblical teaching and reflection, followed by a diocesan-wide worship service that evening.

Synod, our business meeting, takes place Saturday. Here clergy and lay delegates from each congregation or mission hear reports from the diocesan staff and Diocesan Council, get an update from our bishops on what God is doing in the Diocese, and vote on new members of diocesan committees and amendments to the diocesan canons.


  • Join us for all of Convocation and Synod. Includes three plenary presentations, lunch and dinner Friday, complimentary refreshments, conference materials, and access to Synod on Saturday.

  • Join us for Convocation only on Friday. Includes three plenary presentations, lunch and dinner Friday, complimentary refreshments, and conference materials.

  • Join us for Synod only on Saturday. Includes complimentary refreshments, and access to Synod.

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All clergy are synod delegates. Each congregation or mission is also entitled to a number of lay delegates elected by that congregation or mission.


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